Two Roads Blog

Holding in the juice…

Any weight that can be shifted from the front of an Audi to the rear helps with weight distribution. Quattro cars are

So many wires…

Engine swaps can be done in a number of ways, and can therefore yield different results in terms of reliability

1.8 litres of the way things were…

This is the original 1.8 4cyl that was in the B3 80 Quattro. Not a bad little motor really. When

Now back in black…

You can now also get our shirts in black, and in both long and short sleeve. We have a few

Subframe fit for a picture-frame…

Underneath every car, no matter how much rust and rot there is at the beginning, is a brand new car that just

That new-turbo smell…

Here is a set of K03 turbos fresh from a rebuild which included blasting, new hardware and new balanced cores